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Teprve ve 44 letech vyhasl život americké herečky, známé ze seriálů Invaze, Cestovatel, Halt and Catch Fire - PC Rebelové či z kriminálek Las Vegas, Miami a New York, Lisy Sheridan. Pětadvacátého února ji našli mrtvou v jejím bytě v New Orleans. Zprávu potvrdil hereččin manažer Mitch Clem. Příčina úmrtí zatím nebyla zveřejněna.

„Všichni jsme Lisu velmi milovali a ztrátou jsme zničeni. Zemřela v pondělí ráno, doma, ve svém bytě v New Orleans. Čekáme na zprávu od koronera,“ uvedl Clem.

Přátelé jsou skonem herečky otřeseni.

„Potkal jsem ji, když mi bylo 14 let, před víc jak třiceti roky. Okamžitě jsme si padli do oka, od první minuty jsme byli spřízněné duše. Byla podstatnou částí mého života. Byla to krásná a nesmírně nadaná herečka a skvělá přítelkyně,“ uvedl filmař Michael Dunaway.

Herečka Donna D´Errico napsala, že v dnešní době, a ve filmovém průmyslu obzvlášť, je těžké najít tak „něžnou duši“, jíž Sheridan byla. „Každý, kdo ji znal, ji obdivoval a měl rád.“

Sheridan byla v minulosti zasnoubená s hercem Royem Livingstonem, známým ze seriálu Sex ve městě.

Přátelé na herečku budou vzpomínat jen v dobrém

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She called me Big Brother, and for all intents and purposes I was. I met Lisa when she was fourteen years old, over thirty years ago. We were immediately attached at the hip, true soulmates from minute one. For the rest of the days of her life, she was a central part of mine. She was beautiful, obviously, and an immensely talented actor, and a wonderful friend, but more than anything she really did radiate this impossibly bright energy and life. Even in her dark moments. And she had plenty of those, especially over the last few years. During these later years she took to telling me, "You're the greatest big brother a girl could ever have." It was how we ended each conversation. I treasured it then, and I treasure it even more now knowing I'll never hear it again, this side of the river. So good night, my sweet little sister. No one will ever again be to me what you were, and are. I'm trying to take comfort in knowing your struggles and pain and grief are "at last, and last behind you." I love you with all my heart, yesterday, today, and forever. Sorry that I can't write more; it's just still too painful.

Příspěvek sdílený Michael Dunaway (@michaeljohndunaway), Úno 27, 2019 v 8:13 PST

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I just received news that my dear friend, actress Lisa Sheridan, has passed away. She was found Monday morning. I am sitting here stunned. Lisa and I filmed a movie together 5 years ago and became very close on set and remained close friends after filming ended. It’s so rare to find kind, gentle souls like hers in this industry, this city...even this world. Truly one of the most genuinely sweet and gentle people I’ve ever come across in my life. She brought a sweetness and bright energy to any room she happened to walk into...even in her darker times. I am devastated by this loss. I had just spoken with her and everything seemed great and she seemed happy and in good spirits. Everyone who knew her loved and adored her. Goodbye and goodnight sweet angel...I will miss you terribly. Please send up prayers for her family.

Příspěvek sdílený Donna D'Errico (@donnaderrico), Úno 27, 2019 v 12:45 PST

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